Friday 4 January 2013

Whole30 day 1


For breakfast this morning I had some green tea and a pie slice of a frittata that I made the other day. It has spaghetti squash, onions, mushrooms and spinach in it and I threw in a little curry into the mix to make it a little tastier. I also had some homemade sugar-free apple-pear sauce with a little coconut on top.

In the late morning I braised some turkey pieces for my supper tonight because I had unthawed some turkey and it needed to be used up. I took advantage of the braising time and made some ghee at the same time. I now have a jam jar filled with golden yellow ghee, ready to be used when coconut oil or olive oil just won't do.


Before heading out in the afternoon I had a mandarin orange and a handful of almonds. I had gotten up a little on the late side and I wasn't feeling hungry enough to sit down for a "real" lunch after having breakfast just a couple of hours before.

"lunch" part 2

When I got home, I wanted to do a yoga video but by this time I was feeling hungry, so I ate an avocado and two pieces of salted dried ham that I had picked up at the organic coop while in town. That did the trick and I was able to do my yoga without feeling hungry.


For supper I steamed some cauliflower, made some sweet potato hash that I got from Nom Nom Paleo and I had the braised turkey from earlier that day. Since like to have something sweet after supper, I had a few pieces of fresh pineapple that I chopped up to have on hand for the week.

I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a good cooking day. I would like to get a few things ready for the fridge and the freezer so that next week, when I'm going back to work, will be easy to handle.

How am I feeling? Great! No cravings (except after my pineapple, which had me wanting more sweet things) and I'm excited to be cooking up a storm. Like I said, I've been flirting with no sugar and no grains for a while now, so it's not a huge shocker (ie. I don't think I'll be getting the withdrawal headaches). Even though I was eating clean, my weakness was "paleofying" food like bread, muffins and cake and diving into those with gusto, thinking that if it's sugar and grain free it's ok. Well, it is ok, but not in the doses I was taking! So taking a month off and really being strict with myself about it is very timely and it's a good way for me to find other foods that satisfy me.

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