Monday 7 January 2013

Whole30 day 4

Ouf! Well I had a good day even if the night's sleep was horrible! I don't know if it was because I was on holiday sleeping schedule or if hubby JM was restless and kept on moving around, but I didn't get much sleep at all. I turned out the light around midnight (late for a work night, I know!) but then I couldn't sleep, so I ended up listening to some podcasts in the dark. Usually this is enough to make me fall asleep in the first 10 minutes, but not last night. I think I probably dozed off around 2am and then tossed and turned throughout the night. The alarm was set for 7:20, at which point I got up and did 25 minutes of yoga. It felt great and put me in the right frame of mind for work.


Gosh, that sweet potato hash is tasty! I still had some leftovers from yesterday, so I fried that up to reheat it and ate that along with 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1/2 an avocado and a cup of tea. I then had 2 cups of coffee with the coconut creamer topping because JM had finished the tea. There was about 1/4 cup of applesauce remaining in a pot, so I finished that, too. Kind of a big breakfast!


I pretty much had last night's supper for lunch: spinach curry, mashed garlic cauliflower (I'm in love!) and 3 burger bite meatballs. I also had a small mandarin orange along with some tea in the morning.


JM was kind enough to make a big pot of turkey vegetable soup with some leftover turkey pieces we had frozen. I added another hard-boiled egg and 1/2 an avocado because there wasn't much turkey meat in the soup. After supper I had a 1/2 cup of applesauce and a small handful of raisins and that was that. I know I should be avoiding after meal sweets, but today was not the day to take that on. Tomorrow's another day and in the meantime, the amount of fruit I'm taking in is limited to what I would normally be eating.

In the advance preparation category, JM also put a pork roast studded with garlic in the oven tonight so that we can have something for the week.

This was supposed to be the day I wanted to kill everything, but I didn't feel that way at all. The only thing was that my digestion was a little, um, blocked up and my tummy was doing a lot of rumbling. Other than that, I'm ok and feeling fine in spite of the limited sleep and first day back at work (and Whole30 day 4!). I'm eating so many vegetables, there's no reason to be blocked up, but perhaps my body is not used to so much meat...

Today was the first day back at work and it has dawned on me just how much there is to accomplish. I'd like to get to work early, but I'd also like to exercise in the morning without having to get up at 5:30! I'll figure it out when I set my alarm tonight.

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