Sunday 13 January 2013

Whole30 day 6

The Whole30 folks said that I'd feel like taking a nap and boy were they right! I don't  know if my exercise last night had an effect but this morning I felt like lead. It didn't help that it was grey outside! I had the hardest time getting out of bed and didn't get up until 1 hour and 15 minutes after my alarm went off. What?

I thought about that sweet potato hash last night and decided I would prep it so that all I'd need to do this morning is fry it up. I ate that (it's always 1/2 a sweet potato at a time) with a fried egg and about 1/2 cup of applesauce. I had two cups of coffee with coconut milk, but I have to say I prefer the coconut cream topping!

I had the spinach curry with 4 burger bite meatballs and made a salad with one head of endive, 1/2 an avocado and 1/2 and apple, topped with some olive oil. I had a mandarin orange afterwards along with a small coffee (not as strong as yesterday's!).

I didn't have the energy to exercise when I got home, so I thought I'd give myself a break. I had a bit of a snack of almonds and raisins because when I got home, JM had also just gotten home and I knew that supper would be a while. JM cooked up a vegetable fry up in ghee (carrots, turnips, cabbage, garlic and onions) and threw in some burger bites that needed to be used up.

Feeling sleeeeeeppppyyyyy... (so sleepy, in fact, that I didn't get around to pushing 'publish' until day 10!)

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