Sunday 13 January 2013

Whole30 day 9

As I mentioned, I had to go to Paris for the day for work. I got to sleep in a bit, but the sunshine (what's that? It's been so long!) actually woke me up before my alarm clock.

I switched things up! I had unthawed some cooked pumpkin the night before and I decided to venture into the world of pumpkin spice pancakes. The original recipe called for almond butter, which I didn't have, but I figured I could make it without. Wrong. It was too runny. So I threw a little almond powder and some shaved coconut into the batter and went with that. Not sweet at all, but I put a little applesauce and coconut cream on it and it was a good weekend treat!  I had coffee with coconut cream in it and a mandarin orange for good luck.

I was with a colleague and whenever we go to Paris we like to have sushi. We found a place near the train station and I opted for some salmon and tuna without rice. It came with a cabbage salad and a miso soup. I know that soy is out, but I had the miso soup, along with the 3 mini cubes of tofu, as well as soy sauce with my sushi. Oh well. I did the best I could.

On the way home, I picked up some unsalted mixed nuts and a bottle of bubbly water at the train station, because I wasn't going to get home until 10pm and I needed something in my tummy before I got home!

JM didn't have any leftovers from his supper, so what did I have? 1/2 sweet potato hash with 2 fried eggs! I know it was a bit late to be eating, but I hadn't had that much all day. I had a little pineapple, 1/2 an apple with some coconut cream and a few raisins and dried cranberries. Why all this sweet stuff these last few days? Even if it's fruit it's still sugary. Well, let's just say that the next day ended up welcoming my AF (that's Aunt Flo - or my period) so perhaps there was a connection. Either that, or I'm not being strict enough with myself regarding the sweet tooth dragon.

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