Tuesday 22 January 2013

Whole30 day 19

I made pumpkin pancakes with the leftover pumpkin in my fridge and ate them with a little applesauce. I'm not sure that I got enough protein since I only used two eggs in the pancakes and didn't even eat 1/2 of them. At any rate, I didn't get super hungry before lunch, so that's good.

At work, we have a tradition of having a communal apĂ©ritif before lunch when there are new artists who are going to be in residence in our building (this is France, after all!). Champagne was served and, as much as I would have liked a little bubbly, I opted for a glass of water with only a *splash* of apple juice. There were things to nibble on, but I just had a couple of pistachios. Phew. Survived that one!

I had the pork Rogan Josh, mashed cauliflower, roasted veggies and the sauteed spinach/mushroom from last night. I ended lunch with a mandarin orange and skipped the coffee. Felt better for it, too!

JM used the "ready made" ground beef and broccoli, along with the braised cabbage and roasted veggies and did a huge fry up. It was super tasty! We ate that along with a salad for supper and then I had two pumpkin pancakes with applesauce and some coconut cream for dessert.

I know that this is a non-photo blog (so far) and really I'm doing this as a way to be accountable to myself. However, I'm discovering all sorts of good recipes and advice along the way, and I hope to start transferring some of this along, but I first need to get through my Whole30!

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