Tuesday 8 January 2013

Whole30 day 5

Today was a little shakier than yesterday. I slept better but I just didn't have the energy to bolt out of bed this morning and work out. I made a deal with myself to work out when I got home from work. It's a deal I kept.


Boy oh boy, I was craving that sweet potato hash but I hadn't prepped any the day before and I didn't feel like slicing and chopping first thing this morning, so I had an easy but somewhat less satisfying breakfast, namely, 1/2 an avocado, 2 hard-boiled eggs and a whole grapefruit. Oh, and I washed it down with tea. One thing I'm not sure about on the Whole30 is how much fruit I should be eating. I know I'm supposed to limit it, but what does that mean, exactly? I kept on thinking that I should've been eating vegetables instead of the grapefruit but I just didn't have the courage to whip something up.


I still had some leftover spinach curry, that I ate with a slice of the pork roast that JM made yesterday. It was good together! I had a small mandarin orange and then I made the mistake of heating up some of yesterday's coffee and bringing it up to my office. First of all, my colleague made the batch yesterday and he likes his coffee STRONG. Like, really strong. Undrinkably strong! I poured half a mug and filled the rest up with water and then heated it up. The caffeine made me shaky and I did not feel able to concentrate on work. It felt like my head was spinning! I downed a couple of mugs of water, just to rehydrate and give my stomach something else, but the afternoon was pretty much a write off.


I got home from work around 6:45pm and before I headed straight upstairs to work out I felt like I needed a little snack (which is recommended, after all!). I had a handful of almonds, along with some raisins, a mandarin orange and 1/2 an avocado.

I opted for Rocofit's Lower Body and Ab workout with a kettlebell. I managed to do three sets of 10 reps except for the lunges, which I only did two set of 10 reps. My kettlebell is 12 kg so it really pooped my out. At the end I stretched out on my foamroller and it felt good! Supper was the turkey vegetable soup from yesterday with another slice of pork roast and a lettuce/red cabbage salad.

I didn't feel like killing all things today (thank goodness) so maybe the effects of the Whole30 timeline are a little less pronounced in my case because I had been seriously cutting out sugar and grains for a while. Tomorrow and the next day are meant to be tiring (I just want a nap) so I'll have to prepare my food in advance so that I don't have to think about it.

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